Texas Conference on Digital Libraries
Austin, Texas
May 2018

Lessons from Bridge2Hyku Phase One

Texas Conference on Digital Libraries
Austin, Texas
May 2018


The Bridge2Hyku (B2H) project, funded by a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (LG-70-17-0217-17), will provide the digital archives community with a toolkit for content migration to the open source platform Hyku. The B2H Toolkit plan and outcomes aim to establish a framework for sustainable data migration. The project will leverage IMLS investment to build capacity for libraries and cultural heritage institutions in adoption of Hyku nationally and worldwide. As part of Phase 1 of the Bridge2Hyku project, the project team at University of Houston will be creating reports on the digital collection environments at various institutions and on the requirements and limitations of the Hyku platform. Both of these reports will guide toolkit development in later phases of this project. These reports will be made available on the Bridge2Hyku website, that will become a community center of sorts for any institutions that need guidance on content migrations in the future. This 24x7 presentation will highlight these two reports and will also provide information about future directions for B2H as well as information for institutions who are interested in getting involved in the B2H community.