

Tutorial Title: RDF Validation in the Cultural Heritage Community

Day/Time: Wednesday, 1:00-5:00

Venue: AT&T Executive Education and Conference Center


Abstract: Resource Description Framework (RDF) does not natively provide rules for structuring descriptions or validating instance data. This tutorial will present the problems of of data structuring and validation in RDF. There will be a discussion of current techniques that are being proposed as solutions (SPIN, Data Shapes, ICV, etc.). Using examples from the cultural heritage community (Europeana Data Model, DPLA data model, etc.), speakers will present actual cases where validation and record-like structuring is needed. It will relate these efforts to the concept of application profiles, drawing on some existing examples, such as Dublin Core Application Profiles and BIBFRAME Profiles.


Location: Classroom 102 map

1:00 - 1:30

  1. Validation needs in a nutshell (Kai Eckert, Stefanie Rühle) (30 minutes)
    1. Properly structured data (required entities or properties; what is a "complete record"?)
    2. Valid values (value types; IRI sources)
    3. Use cases and analysis


  1. RDF and Validation: What is the issue? (Karen Coyle) (30-45 minutes)
    1. Difference between inferencing and validation
    2. OWL in an open world


  1. Validation techniques in use (Thomas Bosch) (45-60 minutes) [prerequisite is a stable internet connection!]
    1. how to formulate relevant constraints? (OWL 2, SPIN (+SPARQL), Stardog ICV, ShEx (Data Shapes), DSP, DQTP, ...)
    2. how to validate relevant constraints? (RDF Validator (, ShEx Demo (
    3. complete typical DC use case (formulated in ShEx, SPIN (+SPARQL), OWL 2 (CWA, UNA), DSP)
    4. reasoning and validation with OWL 2 (CWA, UNA) using the RDF validator

3:00-3:30 BREAK

3:30 - 4:15

  1. Validation on current data models (Stefanie Rühle, Tom Johnson) (45 minutes)
    1. Europeana Data Model
    2. Digital Public Library of American Data Model

4:15 - 5:00

  1. Application profiles as a possible solution (Tom Baker) (30 minutes)
    1. Dublin Core Application Profiles and the Singapore Framework
    2. BIBFRAME profiles
    3. DCMI RDF validation group work

Total time: 3.5 hours. Each section will need to leave some time for questions.

Learning Objectives

  1. Attendees will learn why validation is an issue with RDF and OWL, and how constraints in those languages differ from our usual concept of constraints
  2. Attendees will learn what efforts exist today to solve this problem
  3. Attendees will get a brief overview of some particular validation issues with cultural heritage data
  4. In particular, attendees will be able to ask questions of speakers with "real life" experience with linked data and validation.
