
AP in RDF planning meeting

May 27, 2014

Call of all people interested in chairing/organizing the RDFAP task group: Antoine Isaac, Karen Coyle, Kai Eckert, Thomas Bosch, Evelyn Drosch.



  1. co-chairs will be Antoine and Karen
  2. liaisons with technical board and community spec committee: Kai, Valentine
  3. Evelyn and Thomas: editorial board
    1. use case document
    2. recommendations document

Task Group Charge


  1. make it possible to mix and match vocabularies, with some local usage, and which can use any validation scheme
  2. provide local scope notes / document your usage
  3. validation of data
  4. primarily to serve the Dublin Core community
  5. documentation for users and for machines
  6. at least one test implementation

ShEx shouldn't be the only validation technology. The AP should be compatible with different forms for validation: ShEx, DSP.

Note re: Shape Expression: There won't be a formal group in W3C. Some of them may want to work with us.


The RDF Application Profile Task Group will:

  1. gather experts from theory and practice dealing with the problem areas sketched in the introduction,
  2. collect and describe case studies from these experts and the general public,
  3. extract common use cases from these case studies that illustrate particular problems,
  4. specify requirements to be fulfilled in order to adequately solve these problems and meet the use cases,
  5. investigate existing best-practices regarding these requirements,
  6. identify gaps and recommend best-practices to close them.


  1. mail: continue to use dc-architecture list? YES
  2. meet: via skype? (DCMI webinar software may allow recording, etc.)
    1. Karen ask Stuart & Tom if software is available
    2. Notes via Etherpad, copied to the DC wiki
  3. Wiki for document creation


  1. one year
  2. meeting every 2 weeks to begin with. 4pm Tuesday, UTC+1
  3. Next meeting on June, 10 at 4pm Berlin Time

ACTION: Karen will work up a schedule for 6 months and put it on wiki

ACTION: Kai will determine if a formal list of task group members is needed.

ACTION: Evelyn will edit Google Doc of group charge. Some points: make clear that target users are DC community; include mention of mix and match of vocabularies.

Note: Kai and Thomas collected requirements on RDF constraint formulation and validation and stored them together with associated use cases, and case studies in an extensible database:

Original notes: [etherpad]