DCMI RDF AP Task Group
Meeting date: July 30, 2015
Meeting link: https://meetings.webex.com/collabs/#/meetings/detail?uuid=M1RMXAWHCVXID8E5NEAFH8K88R-JV0D&rnd=416945.34093
Meeting minutes: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/dcmi-ap-30-07-2015

Attendees: Karen, Corey, Evelyn, Hugo, Valentine
Regrets:  Antoine (really sorry for the bad timing: I have to take a train...), Thomas
1.   Deliverables:
PROPOSED: These documents to be issued as group deliverables Version 1.0 

(from Antoine, before I go offline: if everyone else is ok, I'm willing to support publication as version 1.0, on which community feedback is welcome. 
There's been a lot of great work put into this, and I'd like to congratulate everyone involved! Big thanks for Evelyn, Thomas for the update of the UCR and Karen for the Reqs)
 a. Use Cases
 b. Requirements
 ACTION: Karen to complete header and write introduction; link to database/heading in UCR document
 Say that reqs us a supplement to the UCR document
 ACTION: Karen to coordinate with Stuart on announcement - probably needs
 something written up, esp. regarding coordination with W3C
RESOLVED: issue documents with updates above
 2. Planning for AP development   
    What are the next steps to develop an AP? 
    a. Do we need new/additional requirements?
    - as per Lars' question: AP needs to be machine-readable and allow
    you to process the data.
    - graph selection is an issue
    - DSP section #3: Binding of statements to statement templatesFor each description, each statement is bound to a Statement Templatein the corresponding Description Template by evaluating the Property Constraint.Each statement must be bound to exactly one Statement Template. 
    - Corey: validation is a serialization concern; 
    - How do you figure out which profile to apply even if you don't have classes that defines a specific shacl validation
    It's possible that the application needs to do that, that it 
    won't be in shacl.
    - this is what an AP can provide: information about the data or data source that is not
    defined as an RDF classes
    - possible aspects of validation: by source; by material type; by some other aspect of the data
    SHACL could be used today for EDM data, but for data as complex as is found in MARC, more decisions
    would be needed outside of SHACL on what data gets what kind of validation.
    These questions could be answered with application profiles. AP would parcel out data to SHACL templates or engines.
    Latest shacl ttl file? https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TopQuadrant/shacl/master/src/main/resources/etc/shacl.shacl.ttl
    example: https://github.com/TopQuadrant/shacl/blob/master/src/test/resources/shaclsquare.shacl.ttl
    Next call: August 13. Look at Corey/Tom/Karen document and see how it fits into this in terms of defining
    the scope of an AP.
    b. Do we need a discussion of how the DCAM fits our needs?

3. Alignment with W3C work

SHACL and RDF: SHACL is written in SHACL and cannot be processed with
tools designed for RDF. Is this a problem for us?
Do we have something to say to the W3C group about this?

W3C Use Cases and Requirements: http://www.w3.org/TR/shacl-ucr/
Current W3C requirements list, reorganized: http://w3c.github.io/data-shapes/data-shapes-ucr/

Comparison of W3C and DCMI requirements:

Hugo's email with suggestions: https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A2=DC-ARCHITECTURE;41aa27ca.1505
ACTION: group to tackle by email:
- requirements taken from W3C which apparently don’t have a match in DC
- suggestions on the mapping from DC to W3C

X. Express requirements as RDF, mapping between DSP and our requirements

X. Coordination with BIBFRAME
Thomas' evaluation of BIBFRAME AP

X. Coordination with Hydra, Fedora
Hydra Metadata Working Group: https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/hydra/Hydra+Metadata+Working+Group
Portland Common Data Model: https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/FF/Portland+Common+Data+Model
ACTION: Karen: post this link to W3C group - on hold until W3C group gets to the right point

X. Coming conferences: DC, TPDL, SWIB

X. Glossary - postponed until we have time!