DCMI RDF AP Task Group
Meeting date: Feb 26, 2015
Meeting link: https://meetings.webex.com/collabs/#/meetings/detail?uuid=M2EWV4YQPUN76SM8GKNIFPAT0F-JV0D&rnd=471395.27801

1. W3C F2F

raw minutes:
 Nearly finished w3c requirements.
 Enough decided that there would be additional work on the draft standard itself, now called SHACL (Shapes Constraint Language)
 Draft primer below, as well as use-cases.
 W3C now requires test cases, which we should be able to feed in from our own requirements system.
 To all to gather test records from our own system. They should be the "not-cleaned" records to be able to check potential errors. 

Antoine found some cases we hadn't fully discussed, a few with errors, and a few that were potentially redundant. 
Test suite:
    W3C requires a test suite for standards. We should begin gathering data that reflects our use cases.

2. DCMI Requirements


R210 - is this redundant? [check - Karen]
R-67 - can this be combined with R210? 
R-203 - wait and see what W3C comes up with
R-71 - if you have a specific class, then another class is dependent; context has other triggers - the presence or absence of any property or the presence of a property with a particular value. Stefanie - EDM should have examples of this. ACTION: Stefanie and Valentine find or make up examples
How do we define context: Class-based, Property-based (value as well?), Source-based, System-based, (Corey: Process-based?, LDP Container-based?)

R-46 Need a better explanation of what W3C intends. [Karen]

3. LD4L

Corey: Code4Lib and LD4L

Code4Lib: post-meeting meeting of Hydra developers; "Fedora community data model"
  FCDM - mapping from LDP to Ruby classes and SOLR indexes that are becoming standard
  Not everyone supports application profiles. 
    documents and collections of documents, and how to represent these in RDF
    ordering, collections, ore:aggregations
    can we have a conversation with these folks? no one has time
    Karen: post this link to W3C group
    Cornell, Harvard, Stanford have 2-year grant for linked data for libraries
    Ontology work - descriptive metadata; re-uses DC, FOAF
    ontology presentation: https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/ld4l/Workshop+Ontology+Overview+Presentation
        based on VIVO; to connect bib resources in existing systems with faculty and research system in VIVO
        also looking a BIBFRAME, schema.org
        kc: is this looking at replacing library catalog? Corey: no, not interested in inventory control, circ, etc. Lots of talk of
          reconciliation services (name resolution, etc.); 
        they have large use case gathering; have 6 groups of 12 or so use cases. 