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DCMI RDF AP Task Group
Meeting date: Jan 20, 2015
Meeting link: https://meetings.webex.com/collabs/#/meetings/detail?uuid=M2QXENESBFPA2MCVRRRV81NXOU-JV0D&rnd=651463.20347
Etherpad: http://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/dcmi-ap-rdf-20-01-2015
Attendees: Valentine, tom, Antoine, Karen, Evelyn, Stefanie
Regrets: Corey, Thomas, Lars
1. Discussion of use cases and requirements
process for requirement merges - see https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A2=DC-ARCHITECTURE;704b0413.1411
[See discssion on the requirement etherpad]
A new page has been started: http://wiki.dublincore.org/index.php/RDF_Application_Profiles/Requirements
Karen will start it and add as much as possible
... and then call for others to contribute
... how to get that help best?
Antoine: call reviewers?
Karen: Tom? It would be in a week.
Tom: so the review would be me looking at it with fresh yere and see whether the definitions make sense
Karen: ok. I could ping you after I've done a section
Tom: alright
Karen: some of it have startes oddly worded. We could hget less RDFy
Action Karen: check why Requirement 1 not included in EricP's list; what is requirement E08
ONGOING: we have to see whether we include it. We can do it after work on our requirement.
Coordination with W3C Shapes group - role of DCMI group
charter: http://wiki.dublincore.org/index.php/RDF_Application_Profiles/Charter
W3C draft requirements list: https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/Requirements
email: https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A2=DC-ARCHITECTURE;7d388645.1501
Karen: the group is still discussing requirements on the draft list
... their use stories (possibly use cases) document is being discussed
... I'm going to be editor for this one.
... there's been no work on reducing the number of documents
Antoine: so they've not done what we're doing now (for discussing requirements)
Karen: yes. They're also talking about implementation details at the same time.
... and they're discussing about which solution should be the standard. Stefanie: will we interlink our requirements with theirs?
Karen: I don't know. I've started, but it's not easy.
... I have started a list of our requirements that I'm unsire they tackle
... I will submit it to them
... I expect that they will cover all that we need
Karen: it would help me if someone could read it and compare with what we have
Stefanie: I can but someone else should help
Antoine: I'd be willing to do it too, but maybe after Karen and Tom have compiled the list of requirements
Karen: I'll try to have a first section done and then everyone can react.
ACTION: put Thomas' analysis of BF on wiki
Admin - Next calls
- 2015-02-03
- 2015-02-17 - Karen not available - at the W3C F2F
- 2015-03-03