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DCMI AP Call, March 19, 2014
Agenda and meeting record
- http://wiki.dublincore.org/index.php/RDF-Application-Profiles/Agenda20140319 - Agenda
- http://wiki.dublincore.org/index.php/RDF-Application-Profiles/Minutes20140319 - Minutes
- https://plus.google.com/events/caa7gmglrgp7g95kpfgu0r9f6ps - YouTube video of this call
Present: Tom (chair), Matthias, Mikael, Corey, Eric, Bernard, Stefanie, PaulD, Mariana, Antoine, Mark, Kai, azlinayati, Robina, Thomas (incomplete! - add yourself, esp. if you were following on Youtube)
Tom: Opening and welcome. DCMI restructuring; this activity will become a working group.
Kai: AP profile activity within DCMI. Working group mission statement being developed. Need to find someone to chair (or co-chair) the activity.
DCMI AP Call, March 19, 2014 http://wiki.dublincore.org/index.php/RDF-Application-Profiles/Agenda20140319
Tom: Opening and welcome. DCMI restructuring; this activity will become a working group.
Kai: AP profile activity within DCMI. Working group mission statement being developed. Need to find someone to chair (or co-chair) the activity.
Matthias Palmér & Mikael Nilsson
- RDF forms template editor - "formulator"
- This is open source software (BSD licence;) - to be embedded in a software environment
- uses nodeJS; and javascript for forms user interface
- https://bitbucket.org/metasolutions/rdforms/ (+ cloned on github)
- http://rdforms.com/editors/
- DCAT editor
- Based on W3C Data Catalog Vocabulary recommendation
- Allows you to edit a data catalog vocabulary
- Results are generated from a template, which allows you to edit catalog descriptions
- Results are similar to a DC description set profile
- VoID editor
- Also form-based
- Construction of templates
- Formulator: editor for template, like an editor for DSP
- Drag-n-drop to create templates; can create bundles that can be combined
- Test template available for trying
- Labels can have language attribute
- Q: How would you define a vocabulary encoding scheme within your vocabulary?
- Editor allows fixed list of choices, or a regex pattern
- can also generate list of choices;
- there are obvious difficulties with large lists
- or can use SKOS services
- any value can be defined by datatype
- EntryScape - can define forms that can be combined with other forms. More than an ontology. Like a layer on top of DSP.
- Editor allows fixed list of choices, or a regex pattern
- Q How are templates stored?
- Stored as JSON; similar to DSP language, plus additional UI/form attributes
- Template may not be identical to underlying code - may want to hide some complexity of structures. User interface can be a subset of the vocabulary and rules
Eric Prud'hommeaux: Shape Expressions
- There was a W3C RDF validation in November, 2013, held as a W3C workshop
- There are different validation solutions: SPARQL, home grown, IBM "shapes"
- There is general agreement on a need for way to constrain data, but no "winning" solution yet
- Eric is doing a comparison of IBM resource shapes vs. DSP
- Shape expressions (ShEx):
- Here's the shape of the data that I want to validate
- Groups, cardinality, either/or
- User interface allows validation and editing based on constraints/rules
- Allows multiple inheritance
- Use same language for validation and parser implementation; can use instance data to generate XML
- What's happening: IBM is submitting resource shapes to W3C, and Eric is submitting a proposal for a working group
- Timing: charter within a few weeks; scheduled based on ability to do work
- There are two other implementations, and Eric will provide C++ implementation
- Q: is parser available?
- not yet in github; shared under MIT license
- Q: What is the overlap between this and DSP?
- resource shapes and DSP are similar - you can export Resource Shapes as a DSP;
- in theory you could consume a DSP, but such code has not been written
- all is in RDF
- there are some things that Resource Shapes and DSP have that are not (yet) in shape expressions, but could be added
- conjunctions: Resource Shapes, ShEx and DSP have this in common, but ShEx also has disjunctions (and optional groups and semantic actions).
- Q: can you rely on order?
- order matters in the shape, although this is possibly not carried thorugh in the triples
- Q: can ShEx be generated from an OWL ontology?
- yes. although usually people are using OWL because they need constraints, even though OWL doesn't provide this in practice.
- ShEx could be used to lighten up OWL, so people could use ShEx to take on the desire for constraints, and use OWL for inferencing (which is its purpose)
- after converting to ShEx, one could simplify the OWL to remove the statements that don't facilitate semantics
Meeting end; thanking MetaSolutions for technical support for call. Asking for feedback from audience.
IRC chat
(04:06:39 PM) ericP: -> http://www.w3.org/2013/ShEx/Primer ShEx Primer (04:07:24 PM) tbaker: EricP: We want to do this quickly. Expect we will work on a charter within a few weeks, then review for a few weeks, then start working. (04:08:36 PM) Matthias: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYchXEryPay1UW8wKHcWDSbumEf= FykXfptFIYnMXY5t933py-w (04:09:20 PM) PaulD: Thanks for the session - I thought it worked well (04:09:34 PM) antoine___: Thanks a lot. Really good session! (04:09:45 PM) MarianaMalta: very very nice session, thank you! (04:10:21 PM) kcoyle: This seems to have worked well (04:10:31 PM) adrian_pohl: thank you. I m looking forward to taking a deeper look at this. (04:10:33 PM) anarchivist: tbaker: worked mostly well on my end, but i was having some bandwidth issues (04:10:41 PM) chrpr: Thanks to everyone. I'm really looking forward to digging into ShEx. (04:11:03 PM) anarchivist: tbaker: the timing didn't work this time, but DPLA could offer our gotomeeting/gotowebinar in the future as well (04:11:41 PM) tbaker: anarchivist, can you send me email about this? (04:11:53 PM) anarchivist: tbaker: of course! (04:12:05 PM) tbaker: great, thanks! (04:19:20 PM) chrpr: relax-ng-cs++ (04:20:48 PM) *vcharles left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).* (04:21:47 PM) *antoine___ left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).* (04:22:32 PM) *gordond left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).* (04:23:55 PM) azlinayati: Eric, i'm new to the area. may i know whether the ShEx schema could be generated from and OWL ontology? (04:24:26 PM) azlinayati: *an OWL ontology (04:24:57 PM) tbaker: EricP: Two people working on this independently. (04:26:18 PM) tbaker: ...Frequently, when people are writing OWL, desperate to use OWL to reproduce a schema. (04:27:10 PM) tbaker: ...Can effectively complement it, separate "when is knowledge gained" and "what patterns accept" (04:27:49 PM) azlinayati: ok.. thanks eric (04:28:15 PM) tbaker: ...If someone were writing your schema in OWL - use FOAFfor this, DC for that - would not be a challenge for SE generator. (04:28:36 PM) tbaker: ...Only problems where complex ways of telling OWL you have certain properties on certain classes. (04:28:53 PM) tbaker: ...Once you have SE and OWL separated, OWL can be simplified. (04:34:32 PM) *Guest21822 left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).* (04:35:01 PM) azlinayati: from user point of view, i would prefer to have some interface to write the SE (04:35:37 PM) azlinayati: but like you said, at some point, i might want to be abel to edit the SE myself (04:36:28 PM) azlinayati: but this is very interesting work that would bring values to the current work that we are doing (04:41:52 PM) azlinayati: nice session. Thanks all :) (04:43:06 PM) kai_: have to leave now. bye at all, thanks to matthia anderic, very inspiring. I am sure all this will lead to really good results. I get back to Tom and Stefanie on next steps on DCMI side. CU (04:43:59 PM) *kai_ left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).* (04:46:16 PM) kcoyle: tbaker: I'm heading out. will leave IRC open and look for any notes you add (04:48:12 PM) *PaulD left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).* (04:48:29 PM) tbaker: kcoyle, thank you! (04:49:29 PM) ericP: karen, sorry i forgot to credit you for your contribution to the RDF Validation Workshop (04:49:39 PM) ericP: (i get flustered when i'm looking for names) (04:52:38 PM) *sruehle left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).* (04:52:41 PM) kcoyle: ericP: Oh, I'll make you pay sometime :-) (04:52:43 PM) *azlinayati left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 245 seconds).* (04:53:35 PM) ***ericP reachers for wallet (04:59:38 PM) *adrian_pohl left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).* (05:02:16 PM) *bvatant left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).* (05:07:18 PM) *kcoyle left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 245 seconds).* (05:23:35 PM) *chrpr is now known as chrpr_lunch* (05:31:53 PM) *chrpr_lunch left the room ("Leaving").* (05:38:49 PM) *MarianaMalta left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).* (06:17:15 PM) *tbaker left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 255 seconds).*