22 November 2016: Meeting Summary
Contents |
- Technical Work- Stuart Sutton
- Resource Collection- Sean Dolan
- Editorial Board- Tom Baker
- Marketing and Community Building- Mike Lauruhn
Present: Joseph Chapman, Mike Crandall, Sean Dolan, Margie Hlava, Mike Lauruhn, Sam Oh, Stuart Sutton, David Talley, Marcia Zeng
- Technical:
David and Abi have been working on changes to the website from the priority list developed based on feedback received at DC-2016. These include: 1) updating the index CSS to substitute +/- top aligned for the right and down arrows (some issues with browser displays, but seems to be mostly functional); 2) allowing an authorized user viewing another user's learning map to add "Save copy as a new map" function; 3) on the Learning Resource detail page, if a resource is not in a saved set, the "In Saved Sets" heading will display with "none (View saved sets)" linked to the saved sets listing; 4) on the LR detail page, when hovering over a competency link, its parent & child nodes will show (currently getting parent only, investigating possibility for full path up to the root); 5) the full index is loaded completely expanded on the full CI page[1]. Still to be resolved is fixing a bug in the Learning Map function, where creating a map with a null name generates a database error; a catch with an error notification will be added, and record will not be created.
Stuart is shifting gears to put on his DCMI hat for long-term maintenance and integration with the other DCMI web properties. The DCMI site is being migrated to WordPress, and integrated with Github for static pages.
Issue of Chinese translation being made available- worth further conversation regarding ways to make machine actionable so a Chinese (or other language) version of the full platform could be made available. David will add the Chinese translation and the ASN CI link to the full CI page in site as a temporary placeholder until larger issues can be addressed.
Joseph is working on some issues with the editor- the delete work flow is not functioning in picking up deletes in the transition to the WordPress site. David or Abi will need to manually delete in the meantime- may need to flag deleted records in separate list for this to work.
Joseph is also working with Tom to improve the update process for the CI - the current process has caused some issues in keeping synchronous with the full CI. Tom wrote up guidelines for the Editorial Board and distributed as text, these need to be added to Wordpress as part of the documentation (how editorial board works). DCMI will need as much detail in documentation around access and process to support long-term sustainability (including passwords and log-on credentials, particularly for Abi and David on the WordPress site). Abi will add comments to code at least, may need to move to Github.
- Resource Collection:
Sean is continuing to catalog the remaining learning resources, and updating already cataloged records to reflect the changes in the CI. He has 2-3 dozen resources left to update, will end up with 450 or so, and may add some additional items. There are some areas such as provenance and storing RDF data with no competencies. Could add resources, but without competency can't do that. May be able to flesh some of these out in near term.
In the process he has discovered that two of the competencies are missing from the editor: "Knows Tim Berners-Lee's principles of Linked Data: use URIs to name things, use HTTP URIs that can be resolved to useful information, and create links to URIs of other things" under the Linked Data Principles topic, and 'Finds properties and classes in the Linked Open Vocabularies (LOV) observatory and explores their versions and dependencies" under the Finding RDF Vocabularies topic. This may be related to the manual update process discussed below.
Sean also needs to complete documentation on the cataloging tool and other resource management processes and issues and post to WordPress. Additional learning resources will be created by end of month by David Clarke, Sam Oh and Mike Lauruhn, and Sean will catalog these when he receives them.
- Editorial Board:
Marcia has discovered a couple mistakes in the CI: 1) a repetition of the competency "Converts/manipulates SPARQL query outputs (RDF-XML, JSON) to the exact format required by a third party tools and APIs" under two topic headings; and 2) the use of FusionTables instead of Fusion Tables (per Google usage) in "Uses Google FusionTables to create maps and charts". These may be a function of the manual updating process and will be corrected.
The Competency Index for Linked Data[2] has been published through ASN, so is now available for direct reference with stable URIs for each element of the index. This is something that would be good to provide a link to on the expanded CI page on the LD4PE website, since many educators will want to reference canonical URIs for the competencies in their lessons. Tom has been documenting the editorial process and expects to complete by the end of the month. A final pass at the Index will happen sometime in January, assuming funding can be obtained to continue work, otherwise, we are at a stopping point with the current version. If time permits, a revised workflow, streamlining the process for updating the CI will be completed by end of month as well, assuming Joseph and Tom can coordinate schedules.
- Marketing and Community Building:
Thanks to Mike Lauruhn and Margie Hlava, the prompts and survey used at DC-2016 for the LD4PE workshop have been spread to a wider audience through blogs and tweets, including one on the LD4PE website[3].
Margie will also be presenting next month and will add this to our list of presentations and feedback. Marcia's submission to the iConference (in Wuhan, China next March 22-25) for a Special Session on "Building Learning Modules around the Competency Index for Linked Data" has been accepted- so we will continue to have good exposure for the project in the international arena. Marcia has also had a submission to the Museums and the Web conference in April. Mike L has been collecting a list of public presentations on the project- if you have presented at a meeting, conference or other event in the past two years on the project, please let either Mike L or Mike C know so that we can include in our project report to IMLS.
Action items
- David to add link to published ASN CI and Chinese version of the CI on expanded CI page on LD4PE website
- Mike L, Sam Oh, and Dave Clarke send links to their learning resources to Mike C and Sean so they can be cataloged
- All complete any documentation on processes, lessons learned, architecture so we can add this to the website (or Github) to make sure that we have full documentation of the project for future use
- All send any presentations on the project over past two years (or upcoming presentations) to Mike C to include in IMLS project report
- Mike C to check on no-cost extension request