18 October 2016: Meeting Summary



  • Technical Work- Stuart Sutton
  • Resource Collection- Sean Dolan
  • Editorial Board- Tom Baker
  • Marketing and Community Building- Mike Lauruhn


Present: Mike Crandall, Sean Dolan, Mike Lauruhn, Marcia Zeng

  • Technical:

In preparation for the sessions at DC2016, David completed some CSS updates, which fixed many of the outstanding issues raised earlier by Marcia. In addition, issues with the registration for the site (necessary to use Saved Sets and Learning Maps) arose as people tried to register, and some quick troubleshooting at the conference may have taken care of those problems. Further testing will be needed to confirm, however. A great deal of useful feedback was collected from the special session and workshop participants at the conference, which Sean is busy digesting and consolidating; this will be prioritized in an upcoming technical team meeting in the next couple weeks. One high priority in the coming month will be documentation of what's built so far, including some code clean-up and commenting in CSS and WP plug-in code, to support future maintenance. The Avada theme has recently released an update that seems likely to resolve an issue we have with FAQ pages. Post-DCMI 2016, David will look at getting that in place -- potentially with help from Joseph and Abi. Tom and Stuart also spent some time at the conference discussing the update process for the Competency Index, and have a solution that will be discussed with Joseph that may streamline the work considerably and make future use easier for others building new competency indexes for other domains.

  • Resource Collection:

Dave Clarke and Sam Oh have been working on their contributed learning resources, and Dave reports that Synaptica has produced 1 of a minimum of 3 videos (a 7 minute segment on graph DB models), and will complete the other 2 by end of November. Sam is targeting the end of November for his contributions to the non-RDF linked data section of the index (specifically Topic Maps), and Margie sent a long list of resources which Sean is now entering into the collection. Mike reported that Elsevier has 3 slide decks with video which will be available by end of month, and have already been attached to competencies so should be easy to catalog. Sean will also begin working on recataloging the resources that do not have competencies attached (and hence are invisible in the website). He estimates that about 80% of those will be possible to attach to existing competencies, and the remainder will be captured in a list for future enhancements.

  • Editorial Board:

Tom is planning to have another call this month to discuss final enhancements to the Competency Index, and will also work with Stuart and Joseph to streamline the process for updating the index as mentioned above. The remaining time on the grant will be spent documenting and stabilizing the work of the Editorial Board for others to use in future efforts.

  • Marketing and Community Building:

We had three events at DC2016, a Special Session, a Workshop, and a Poster. Although attendance at the sessions was small, they were very useful, particularly the workshop where Sean's work on preparing prompts and a survey allowed us to gather a great deal of feedback on the components of the project in a systematic way. It was helpful to have a number of members from the project team in the room (Sam, David T, Tom, Stuart, Marcia, Mike C, Margie) to help out, and made for a good experience for the participants overall. David's poster got good attention, and is a useful summary of the technical side of the project. Mike L suggested that we collect all public facing materials in one place, and Mike C offered to send a list of what he has as a starting point. Margie also offered to send out the workshop prompts to a wide audience for further feedback, and Mike C requested that she coordinate with Mike L so that it also comes from LD4PE at the same time. This will probably need to happen sometime toward the beginning of November, after the low-hanging fruit from the workshop feedback has been addressed, so that we don't get feedback on things we already know are problems and can be fixed.

Action items

  • Sean will digest and organize the workshop feedback for a technical team discussion
  • Mike C will set up a call for technical team to discuss prioritization of issues once Sean finishes the summary
  • Mike C will set up a call for Stuart, Tom and Joseph to discuss changes to CI publishing process
  • Sean will back-catalog the existing resources not already assigned competencies to make those visible on the website
  • Mike L and Margie coordinate on push of workshop prompts and survey out after quick technical fixes have been made (Mike C will prompt when ready)
  • Mike C will send Mike L list of current public facing materials; Mike L will ask others to flesh it out with missing pieces.
  • Next Meeting: Tuesday, 11/15/16 at 7:00 AM PDT

Meeting Resources & References