20 September 2016: Meeting Summary



  • Technical Work- Stuart Sutton
  • Resource Collection- Sean Dolan
  • Editorial Board- Tom Baker
  • Marketing and Community Building- Mike Lauruhn


Present: Tom Baker, Joseph Chapman, Mike Crandall, Sean Dolan, Abi Evans, Margie Hlava, Mike Lauruhn, Debbie Maron, Sam Oh, David Talley, Sam Oh, Marcia Zeng

  • Technical:

Abi and David are finishing up work on the saved sets and learning map functions. Abi has made updates and David will review tomorrow. If there is time, will decide on other enhancements for future work. Joseph has set up sandbox environment for the editors to use in testing, and will send Marcia and Sean the URL so they can begin testing. Marcia noted that it is difficult to find a matching competency from the full list, and it is not easy to copy into the editor.

  • Resource Collection:

Marcia has done some preliminary testing on the editors, and she and Sean will dive deeper when Joseph sends the URL. The DC2016 workshop will be an opportunity to gather user feedback on the competency index and the LD4PE webiste. Mike C will put together a handout with the competencies for attendees to use and take notes on, which we can collect at the end of the workshop for input. Sean is working on putting his evaluation questions into scenarios to test usability during the second half of the afternoon workshop, when we will have participants doing hands on work with the CI and LD4PE website. Sean will work with Mike C, Marcia and Tom to discuss workshop also in next few days.

  • Editorial Board:

Marcia has a couple suggestions for improvements of the competency index display: 1) Give the major 6 groups and 30 sub-categories some notation numbers, such as 1, 1.1, or 1a... This will make it easier for users to understand, find, code, and use. This would be an enhancement to the CI in the long-term, but affects the triple store and the website as well as the CI editing process, so will need more thought and work (probably beyond the scope of current project). But will be done for handouts at the DC2016 workshop. 2) The statements of the competencies are unnecessarily long because acronyms are spelled out (SKOS, OWL, RDF, Etc.) Those full names could be from a glossary instead. The problem now is not only that the competencies are too long to read, but also not consistent. Some have full names, some abbreviations, some both, and some only the abbreviations in various competencies. Tom pointed out that this would require two documents then, glossary and CI, to understand the competencies. It would probably be worth going through the competencies to make sure that a consistent approach is used throughout, no matter what. Might be something to consider for feedback in the workshop. The editorial board will have their September call later this month to resume discussions on the CI.

  • Marketing and Community Building:

We have three events at DC2016, a Special Session, a Workshop, and a Poster. Several people are working on the special session and workshop, including Mike C, Stuart, Tom, Margie, Marcia, and David. Sam Oh will also be attending the sessions. David is taking the lead on the poster, focusing on the technical aspects of the project. Marcia noted that the National Academic Library consortium in China wants to translate the CI into Chinese and start doing training. Marcia is working with Keven Liu to plan a session for their meeting in Shanghai in December- another good opportunity for feedback. Also, Marcia and Sam proposed a special session for the iConference in March at Wuhan University in China. Jian Qin and Wei Fan will also help with this- will use lessons learned from the DCMI workshop to use as a model for this session. Mike L asked to have the agendas for the DC2016 sessions sent to him for broadcast- Mike C will do that after final revisions made.

Action items

  • Joseph send sandbox URIs for editor to Marcia, Sean and Mike C
  • Mike C schedule call with Marcia, Sean and Tom to discuss second half of workshop
  • Mike C send DC2016 session agendas to Mike L for publicity
  • Next Meeting: Tuesday, 10/18/16 at 7:00 AM PDT

Meeting Resources & References