21 June 2016: Meeting Summary
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- Technical Work- Stuart Sutton
- Resource Collection- Sean Dolan
- Editorial Board- Tom Baker
- Marketing and Community Building- Mike Lauruhn
Present: Tom Baker, Joseph Chapman, Mike Crandall, Abi Evans, Marjorie Hlava, Stuart Sutton, David Talley, Marcia Zeng
- Technical:
The newest version of the Competency Index is not showing up on site; Joseph was holding input until the Wordpress problems are taken care of. David is working with the theme developers to troubleshoot the issues and will let Joseph know when resolved so he can move ahead. Saved sets are moving along, close to being done, just resolving a few bugs before finished. Working on private learning trajectories next- much of the Saved sets functionality will apply here, with just a few more additional functions needed.
Stuart would like to use next month's call to review the finished product, to walk through what has been accomplished-- should be at minimum viable product by then. We'll use Webex to screenshare. Also will need to document the backend of the project from the technical side in Github before completion as foundation for future implementations.
- Resource Collection:
Elsevier is still working on RDF vocabulary mapping tutorials. Mike L is coordinating with people in Elsevier's Operations team to see what skills and best practices they use, look for, and recommend. He is planning to have the bulk of the content completed by mid-August; then iterate on it from there if more can be done. Sam Oh is continuing work on Topic Maps and SPARQL query examples and quizzes based on the OCLC data, and Synaptica is working on a number of video tutorials based on their RDF work.
Marcia will be working on user testing this summer, will be hiring one RA and will try to hire Sean as well. Also will have an independent study student available. She will need to ramp up the students, and will then establish personas and collect feedback from representative users based on those personas. If others have names of people who might be good candidates as evaluators, send to Marcia so she can contact them. Stuart pointed out that it would also be a good idea to evaluate the editing tools as well as the website. Melanie Wacker may be a good candidate for this aspect. Sean may be able to take some of this on. Stuart will provide links to the editing tools for Marcia. Mike, Sean, Marcia and Stuart will work on protocols for evaluation of site. Marcia and Mike will touch base when she is back home in a week or two to discuss further.
- Editorial Board:
Last call was in early June; made some progress on evaluating gaps in CI as a whole to identify priority areas for further work. Planning to meet July 15 for next call. People are digging into specific areas for competencies to fill gaps. Should be able to complete work on July call and declare v1 finished. Also will have two calls in Sep/Oct to address any outstanding issues. Will be experimenting on process for automatic updates to the CI in Github modeled on the Schema.org process, and will test process in July. Will document the process and wrap up work on this in Sep/Oct. Stuart points out need for lay version of process description for developing the CI for website as well, to encourage community participation.
- Marketing and Community Building:
Mike L. presented the project as part of the NISO Virtual Webinar on BIBFRAME last week. He gave a 30 minute talk and dedicated about 20 to LD4PE and ten more to project planning and project management skills for approaching linked data projects. Good feedback and fun roundtable[1]. The speaker that went on before Mike L. (Melanie Wacker) was from the LoC Program for Cooperative Cataloging Standing Committee on Training (PCC SCT)[2]. She referenced the LD4PE project and had three screenshots from the Exploratorium.
David will be submitting poster for DCMI as well, deadline on July 15.
Action items
- David let Joseph know when WP issues resolved so new version of CI can be loaded in triple store and replicated on website
- Stuart set up WebEx session for July 19 call and send out invitations
- Mike and Marcia will connect to discuss evaluation strategy
- Next Meeting: Tuesday, 7/19/16 at 7:00 AM PDT, using WebEx instead of Skype.