LD4PE logo [http://wiki.dublincore.org/index.php/Pet/ld4pe LD4PE Task Group


19 April 2016: Meeting Summary



  • Technical Work- Stuart Sutton
  • Resource Collection- Sean Dolan
  • Editorial Board- Tom Baker
  • Marketing and Community Building- Mike Lauruhn


Present: Tom Baker, Joseph Chapman, Mike Crandall, Abi Evans, Margie Hlava, Debbie Maron, David Talley, Stuart Sutton, Marcia Zeng

  • Technical:

Two major pieces yet to implement for minimum viable product- 1) user collection of learning resources 2) learning trajectory map. User collection may be possible with an existing WordPress module with some modifications. Abi and David have started working on the saved sets already. Abi will probably need to build custom code for the maps. End of June is deadline for completion. Full assessment will start then, though could start earlier by focusing on the editing tools (creating records, etc). The public facing site assessment will need to happen after completion of technical development. The final grant report will likely need to capture lessons learned and turn those into recommendations for further development, since won't have time to incorporate changes in the final months of the grant. David is concerned about assessment of the aesthetics of site, need to have a defined process for managing this; will need to work with Marcia and Joseph to develop plan to avoid changes in operational site. Joseph points out that it could be possible to use a backup site to manage changes. David says multi-site can handle this- may be a worthwhile effort for long term sustainability as well. The latest Competency Index update is complete. Probably one or two more updates to CI between now and end of June- may be close to another update in next few weeks. Joseph is working on authentication for the record editor to make sure only known users can edit.

  • Resource Collection:

All content partners have been contacted and are working on learning resources to fill some of the gaps in the competency index: Dave Clarke is working on "Mapping and Enriching RDF data" and possibly "Designing RDF Vocabularies", Margie on "Storing RDF Data” and “Publishing RDF Vocabularies”, Sam on "Querying RDF Data", and Mike L. on “Mapping RDF” and possibly “RDF Serialization”. Sam in particular is planning to develop some quizzes and examples using the OCLC data set, so that will be a good example for future contributions once complete. Conversation around OCLC data set needs to be completed- where will this live, how much effort will we put into development of a user interface? Tom has been in touch with programmers who maintain the Ruby library for processing RDF; they are working with Jupiter Notebooks to develop tools for manipulating RDF and could be a partner to work with further development of the interface to OCLC data.

  • Editorial Board:

The Competency Index Editorial Board had a successful meeting two weeks ago and will meet again this Friday, April 22. They are working their way through some batches of proposed competencies and expect to approve a few more on Friday.

The Google doc[1] used for collecting comments has been "frozen" and its contents moved into the EB meeting agendas. The Google doc proved to be fine for collecting specific suggestions -- a competency here, a comment there -- but can be confusing if the document itself is extensively edited. On Friday's call the board will consider, as an alternative, testing the methods used (with obvious success) by the Schema.org community for proposing additions via Github.

If needed, could at any time in the days following Friday's call generate a new "baseline" document, along with a "diff" showing precisely what has been changed or added since the last version for use in updating the WordPress site. Depending on what the board decides on Friday, the new version "for comment" could either be posted in Google docs, or could start testing a new Github-based method (or both).

Assignments to finish out sections of the Competency Index have been made to Editorial Board members, and they will push to finish as much as possible by the end of June. Will be coherent but not complete. Goal is to have in place a replicable process for development of an index, so other domains can follow that if they want to develop their own index and associated resources similar to LD4PE.

  • Marketing and Community Building:

Our workshop and special session proposals for DCMI have been accepted, thanks to all for their input on these. We also had our IFLA poster submission accepted and Marcia and Mike C will be there to present. Unfortunately, the ALA poster submission was not accepted, so we will not have a presence there. David has agreed to work up a poster on the technical aspects of the project to submit to DCMI as well, due May 16. Stuart and Mike will think about a poster for ASIST as well, focused on the CI development process, what have we learned about how a community develops a competency index. Deadline for this is May 3. Mikr L. would like to get another round of feedback from the public on CI, need to know when this would be appropriate to publicize.

Action items

  • David and Joseph discuss backup method for use when doing user evaluations, to avoid impact on working site
  • David and Marcia connect regarding plan for site assessment
  • Stuart consult with Tom, David and Joseph about what to do with OCLC data set
  • Mike to follow up with Stuart on poster for ASIST, due May 3
  • Tom let Mike L. know when next CI is published so he can get word out to public
  • Next Meeting: Tuesday, 5/17/16 at 7:00 AM PDT.

Meeting Resources & References

  1. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1i1k5kZLWncb3dJozb61SQiRS7hljUAox-gEXs4gHs7o