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15 March 2016: Meeting Summary



  • Technical Work- Stuart Sutton
  • Resource Collection- Sean Dolan
  • Editorial Board- Tom Baker
  • Marketing and Community Building- Mike Lauruhn


Present: Tom Baker, Joseph Chapman, Mike Crandall, Abi Evans, Mike Lauruhn, Sam Oh, Marcia Zeng

  • Technical:

David, Stuart and Abi met to review progress to date on a minimum viable product for the project- set a goal for completion at the end of June to allow for testing and user review before the project ends. Includes: a) browsing by topic and competency, b) ability to save a set of learning resources with a named set- not sure if this can be tied to a user account or whether they will all be publicly accessible, c) the ability to create learning trajectories or transit maps, defining a sequence of learning resources that an instructor would use in class as part of their curriculum. Have rudimentary wireframes for these features, will refine those as first step, then will work with Abi to modify custom plugins and determine what additional work will be needed for the trajectories. Joseph is moving the latest update on topical and competency index into the triple store this weekend, and will import into WordPress when complete. Sean will need to update learning resource metadata when finished.

  • Resource Collection:

Continuing to work with content partners to develop content for gaps identified in CI. Sam has met with his team to discuss areas for contribution, others are still in progress. Would be good to get these in by end of June so they are available during the user testing that will happen over the summer/fall, but can continue working on them until the end of the summer. Mike C will set up a meeting with content partners after iConference to get them talking to each other.

  • Editorial Board:

Tom, Mike, Joseph and Stuart met re a method for collecting suggestions for competencies, and settled on simple method to do this- use Google doc as collector method, automatic method for generating a Word doc that can be uploaded to Google when updates are made. Source used to generate Word doc is plain text, so can review in side by side diff in Github. Will be sufficient to show changes so can make changes manually in ASN editor. Might want to announce new versions over Twitter at major changes. Mike L will follow up with Tom and Stuart to send out updates at appropriate times.

Editorial board met last week, scheduled five more calls between now and end of June to finalize competency index, with the goal of publishing in ASN at that time. Reviewed CI as a whole, to find where holes are and need to be filled based on Sean's gap analysis. Areas being considered for update include: a) non-RDF linked data (will engage with Margie to discuss her ideas around this), b) five stars linked data requirements, c) SKOS, d) mapping and predicates, e) basics on issues involved in versioning and provenance, f) Ruby and Python to work with linked data, g) cleaning, refining and enriching data. Will also meet in fall to add and change, but probably not over summer.

  • Marketing and Community Building:

Mike L encouraged blog contributions at any time, may be something that the content partners could contribute to. Mike C has prepared a special session proposal to submit to DC2016, also working on a proposal for joint workshop with ASIST- ideas welcome. David will attend DC2016, Sam may attend- Mike C will include them in discussions. Post-call Marcia and Mike C also discussed need for some way to talk about the technical development of the project, Mike C will follow up with David about submitting poster on this topic to DC2016 (due July 15).

Action items

  • Sean update learning resource metadata after new CI is uploaded to WP
  • Mike C to set up conference call with content partners to discuss learning resource contributions
  • Mike L. will follow up with Stuart and Tom to discuss appropriate timing for CI update announcements over next few months
  • Mike C. to circulate workshop and special session proposals for DC2016, due today.
  • Mike C. to follow up with David on technical poster for DC2016
  • Next Meeting: Tuesday, 4/12/16 at 7:00 AM PDT.

Meeting Resources & References