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16 February 2016: Meeting Summary



  • Technical Work- Stuart Sutton
  • Resource Collection- Sean Dolan
  • Editorial Board- Tom Baker
  • Marketing and Community Building- Mike Lauruhn
  • Other business- All


Present: Tom Baker, Mike Crandall, Sean Dolan, Abi Evans, Debbie Maron, Marcia Zeng

  • Technical:

Abi, David and Stuart had a call to develop a priority list, but a follow up call is needed to work through status and develop work plan. Still need to set this up. Abi is working on the ratings plug-in but still have open issues with this. Joseph, Stuart and David absent from call so no further updates.

  • Resource Collection:

Sean and Mike C. had calls with all the content partners over the last couple weeks to walk through the gap analysis and examples Sean had pulled together. Each partner is looking at their own work stream and the Competency Index to focus on areas that they will be able to contribute new learning resources to in the coming months. Once they have narrowed their focus, Mike C. will combine their plans and get out to the group to avoid overlap and duplication.

Sean is continuing to work on the user manual and will post to the listserv next week for feedback and review. Sean has also been going through previously cataloged resources and aligning with the new topic index; will be done within next week and will go back to adding new resources; approximately 10-15 new resources have been added in the past month.

  • Editorial Board:

The Google doc with the Competency Index has been posted for comment, and we have received a few. Mike Lauruhn, Tom and DCMI tweeted about it. Tom saw a number of people viewing document, so we know it has been seen. Would be interesting to see if statistics are available for viewing docs to confirm usage. Tom Johnson will be contributing competencies for Ruby libraries for linked data, Adam Rabinowitz will contribute competencies for temporal data. Stuart has talked with Seth and Reuven for additional competencies, but haven't seen input yet. Tom will connect with Sean to think about upcoming Editorial Board call, and how to jump start additional review and input for the CI. RDF fundamentals and SPARQL are covered well at this point, but need more expert input to fill in other areas. Need suggestions for new people and follow up with those already identified.

Tom, Mike C, Joseph, Stuart had scheduled a call for reviewing the technical workflow in getting updates from EB version of CI into the production system, but had to cancel. Stuart will put out a Doodle poll for another date. This is currently done by hand, but need to think through process for automating, so can continue to update post-grant. Currently don't know what URI the headings refer to-- may need to extend data format for EB to include the concept number so that it can be converted into reference in triple store. Joseph will need to confirm whether this is possible.

  • Marketing and Community Building:

Current poster proposals are in for ALA and IFLA. Ideas for a joint DCMI/ASIST workshop are being explored by Marcia and Margie, but need to follow up to avoid overlap and confusion. Should bring Stuart into conversation to make sure that efforts are aligned; perhaps a call is needed with Margie, Marcia, Stuart and Mike C. to sort out options. Mike C. will also work with Stuart to flesh out a DCMI workshop/special session.

  • Other Business:

Marcia pointed out that the CI and learning resources are pointed more toward metadata vocabularies, not value vocabularies. Without authority control, those won't ever become four star data sets, so need to provide resources on how to convert vocabulary values into URIs. Tom will think about competencies for SKOS as starting point for this, and will point Sean to resources related to SKOS. An effort to collect guidelines on how to turn strings into URIs, such as OpenRefine tutorials would be useful. This kind of information would also be useful for special collections, museums and archives, since they have put much effort into developing controlled vocabularies but haven't turned the terms into findable resources.

Action items

  • Stuart, Abi and David Talley to set up follow-up call to prioritize UI work.
  • Abi will continue to troubleshoot rating plugin to see if can make it work correctly.
  • Sean will post the editing user manual to DC-PET group for feedback.
  • Tom will follow up with Sean to set EB meeting agenda, and strategize on ways to further engage outside contributors for CI.
  • Stuart to set up meeting with Joseph/Tom/Mike C and Stuart to discuss technical implications of a process for managing incoming comments for Editorial Board use.
  • Mike C. will coordinate with Stuart to set up discussion among Margie, Marcia, Stuart and Mike C. on potential DCMI submissions.
  • Tom and Sean will discuss adding SKOS materials to the CI and learning resources, and think about other ways to incorporate competencies related to conversion of value vocabularies into linked data.
  • Next Meeting: Tuesday, 3/15 at 7:00 AM PST.

Meeting Resources & References