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18 August 2015: Meeting Summary



  • Technical Work- Stuart Sutton
  • Resource Collection- Sean Dolan
  • Editorial Board- Tom Baker
  • Marketing and Community Building- Mike Lauruhn
  • Anyone—other business


Present: David Clarke, Mike Crandall, Sean Dolan, Abi Evans, Margie Hlava, Mike Lauruhn, Debbie Maron, Stuart Sutton, David Talley

  • Technical: David was able to transition to WP multi-site, which allows one WP install to host multiple domains and separate sites. The Exploratorium has been migrated to explore.dublincore.net[1] as one of those sub-sites. Also have sites set up for the DCMI home page (dublincore.net) and the LRMI site, which will eventually be migrated to this Wordpress site as well. With multi-site we will be able to set up a test environment in a sub- site so development work can be done without affecting live content. David is working on procedures for backup and restore as part of the development cycle so that there will always be a restorable public site. Will be able to back up the entire multi-site as well as individual sites. Abi has gotten the plug in on the new WP site working now, and resources are being updated daily from the triple store. Sean will link competencies to some of the resources in the SPARQL set to test out the functionality. He will keep track of the URLS changed so that we will be able to make changes later on as things change in the Competency Index as the Editorial Board gets up to speed. Stuart suggested that we set up a new public Github site for WP code storage and issue tracking in addition to the two private ones for the Editorial Board and the RDF tools work.
  • Resource Collection: Sean is still collecting resources, but has not entered all in the system yet. He has added quite a few in last couple days, using the old tool, so they will need to be migrated to the triple store (Joseph volunteered to do this). There are currently about 350 items including 70 syllabi. Sean will start using the triple store editor to begin tagging the SPARQL resources with competencies, which will allow Abi to see how the plug-in is working and provide some initial exposure of the resources against the index for the Editorial Board to use in their work. Stuart suggested that we may need to differentiate primary documents from secondary sources, so that users don’t get annoyed with overload. David and Abi will work on this and bring back proposal to the technical team later this month. Eric Childress indicated that the OCLC data sets will be ready soon for testing. Would make sense to expose to the content partners first- Mike Lauruhn, David Clarke, and Margie offered to help with this. Mike C will set this up a meeting either before our next regular call or reserve space on the agenda for this discussion once Eric is ready with the data.
  • Editorial Board: The Editorial Board has met, and is setting up several meetings in the next two months to move ahead with their work. Members are Tom Baker, Sean Dolan, Kai Eckert, Stuart Sutton, Magnus Pfeffer, and Debbie Maron. The approach they will use is to: 1) define competencies to do one thing, and 2) define the pre-requisite competencies to be able to do that thing. These will be instantiated as URIs in the triple store and attached to the resources that will be helpful in learning the competency. Invited experts will be consulted when needed; the work will proceed from resource warrant, literary warrant and expert warrant.
  • Marketing and Community Building: Mike C. will be presenting our poster at DCMI 2015 next month, thanks to Stuart’s efforts to put this together. Debbie and Sean had their presentation at the LITA Forum promoted to a 45 minute session, so will be able to have enough time to gather serious input. If we want to propose a session for ALISE it is due 9/15- if anyone is intending to go to ALISE, let Mike Lauruhn know—Mike C and Mike L can put together a session submission, but will need someone there to lead. Mike L asked whether blog functionality is set up on WP—the front page is not ready for public release yet, but Stuart will work with David to get this done so we can start using that functionality. Mike L has set up a blog schedule – 13 blog posts over the next year and a half. He has posted on the wiki[2] for review. The ASIST poster was not accepted because not enough progress has been shown, but Stuart added the submission as a briefing paper[3] on the WP site as an overview of the project- may be useful for others doing presentations elsewhere. Mike C contacted Theo Gerontakis re a roundtable at ALA midwinter for the Linked Data Interest group but hasn’t heard back- Mike L will follow up with current chairs of the interest group to see if there would be interest in this.

Action items:

  • Sean will begin attaching competencies to the resources using the triple store editor so Abi can see how the plug-in is working
  • Stuart will set up new public Github workspace for WP issues and code tracking
  • David and Abi will prepare a proposal for navigational taxonomy and convene technical working group to discuss
  • Mike C will follow up with Eric re: OCLC data sets and arrange a meeting (or dedicate our next monthly call) for content partners to talk with Eric about how best to expose and use
  • Anyone planning to attending ALISE should let Mike L or Mike C know- we will help put together a demo session for the conference if there is interest
  • Stuart and David will get the WP site front page finished so that we can start the blog series Mike L has planned- Mike L. has posted the schedule to the wiki[4] for feedback
  • Mike L will follow up on session at ALA midwinter or summer meeting with ALA Linked Data Interest group
  • Next Meeting: Tuesday, 9/15 at 7:00 AM PDT.

Meeting Resources & References

  1. http://explore.dublincore.net
  2. http://wiki.dublincore.org/index.php/Marketing_and_Community_Building#Draft_Blog_schedule wiki
  3. http://explore.dublincore.net/briefing-papers/ld4peoverview/
  4. http://wiki.dublincore.org/index.php/Marketing_and_Community_Building#Draft_Blog_schedule wiki