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12 May 2015: Meeting Summary



  • Marketing and Community Building- Mike Lauruhn
  • Editorial Board- Tom Baker
  • Resource Collection- Sean Dolan
  • Technical Work- Stuart Sutton
  • Anyone—other business


Present: Tom Baker, Joseph Chapman, Dave Clarke, Mike Crandall, Sean Dolan, Abi Evans, Mike Lauruhn, Debbie Maron, Sam Oh, Stuart Sutton, David Talley, Marcia Zeng

  • Marketing/Community building: Mike Lauruhn and Debbie have been accepted for a session on LD4PE at the LITA Forum in November. Congratulations!! Stuart and Marcia will think about a poster for ASIST this November as well, and we might think about a panel for ASIST next year, since we'll be near the end of the grant at that point. Tom explored a session at the Semantic Web in Libraries Conference but could not get the participants he wanted due to scheduling conflicts. Thanks to Mike Lauruhn for getting the word out about opportunities as the deadlines approach. The information on the Logos and URLs[1] page is nearly complete, and Mike C will follow up to get the final pieces where necessary. Feel free to use these for any external communications on the project.
  • Editorial Board: Tom is actively recruiting members for the Editorial Board, and has outlined a schedule for meetings that will begin to develop the work process for the Board, starting with the section of the Competency Index dealing with query language and SPARQL, which is clearly of high interest given the maxed out participation in the DCMI webinar on May 13. By keeping scope tight, the hope is to craft a well-defined process for review and selection of resources to associate with the Index, and this will be expanded gradually as time goes on. Target is to have this first round completed by November, and then begin branching out to other parts of the index. Tom will populate the Editorial Board section of the wiki with his workplan and schedule, as well as names of Editorial Board members as they are recruited.
  • Resource Collection: Sean will put the feedback he has gotten from the partners (Dave Clarke, Margie Hlava, Mike Lauruhn, and Tom and Sam Oh) on the wiki under the resource collection/Editorial pages as appropriate. He has collected many resources on SPARQL and queries, and will focus continuing efforts based on the editorial board direction. We are still waiting to hear from Eric Childress on the OCLC data sets, Mike C and Stuart will work with him to get those moving so content partners can use them as they start to develop learning resources.
  • Technical Work: Permissions for access to the server have been putting a hold on Wordpress work, but seem to have been resolved for now. Still need to define a process for uploading and archiving code in Github. Joseph has been working out final parts of adding URIs to the triple store and is importing content from Sean's resource repository into the triple store, directly mapping from DCMI to LRMI. This process should be interesting to a number of audiences. David created a use case for changes to the Competency Index nodes, which will have an effect downstream on the Wordpress features linked to the nodes, and has drafted initial wireframes for the browse pages. He will be able to install the theme on AWS now that access permissions have been resolved. David will add the use cases and wireframes to the Technical workstream in the wiki so that they are available for review by all. Abi is working on a plugin for Wordpress to allow import of an XML standards document as a test of functionality, and will be able to migrate that to AWS now that permissions have been resolved.
  • Next Meeting: Wednesday, June 17. Same time.. 7:00 AM PDT.

Action Items

  • Stuart and Marcia to prepare poster for submission to ASIST.
  • Mike C. to follow up with OCLC, DCMI, and Kent State for missing descriptions on Logo page.
  • Tom will schedule a call with Sean to begin defining scope and approach, and will populate the Editorial workstream section of the wiki with Board member names, calendar, and updates on progress to date against work items.
  • Sean will put the feedback he has collected from the content partners on the wiki in the resource or editorial workstream as appropriate
  • Mike C/Stuart will follow up with Eric Childress to get OCLC training data sets up and running
  • David Talley will add the use cases and wireframes to the Technical workstream in the wiki
  • Next Meeting: Wednesday, June 17, at 7:00 AM PDT.

Meeting Resources & References

  1. http://wiki.dublincore.org/index.php/Marketing_and_Community_Building#Partner_Logos_and_URLs