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15 April 2015: Meeting Summary



  • Technical Work- Stuart Sutton
  • Resource Collection- Sean Dolan
  • Editorial Board- Tom Baker
  • Marketing and Community Building- Mike Lauruhn
  • Anyone—other business


Present: Tom Baker, Dave Clarke, Mike Crandall, Sean Dolan, Abi Evans, Margie Hlava, Mike Lauruhn, Debbie Maron, Sam Oh, Stuart Sutton, David Talley

  • Technical Work: Amazon Web Services is set up for the project, the domain name[1] is now working, and both editors are working. Work is proceeding on converting some small controlled vocabularies in LRMI to SKOS, which will be integrated into the editors when available. Abi Evans, a PhD student at the iSchool, has joined the project as our WordPress back-end coder to integrate functionality with the triple store, and will work with David Talley and Joseph Chapman to develop the necessary hooks. David will be developing wire frames to share with Abi and Joseph to help define functionality as a way to move the work ahead systematically. Those will be sent to the larger technical working group for review and comment. Github has been set up with private spaces for in progress work, but ultimately all work will be made available to the public by the end of the project. Abi is now set up with an account as well. Stuart asked that he and Joseph be given an admin account on the WordPress site also. Any WordPress code developed will also be publicly available when finished. Stuart noted that we need to be careful to spread admin responsibilities for each of our work spaces around so that we have backup for each service, this has already been done for the triple store and Github, will need to do for WordPress and other environments as well. Joseph and Stuart have already established a password vault as a repository for access credentials, so if anyone sets up a workspace be sure to send Stuart access information.
  • Resource Collection: Sean has been reaching out to the resource partners (Dave Clarke, Margie Hlava, Sam Oh, Mike Lauruhn) to review the work he has done to date in collecting resources and identifying gaps and missing pieces in the Index as well as the resource collection. Dave Clarke indicated he would be willing to develop resources in areas that overlap with his work—this brought up the OCLC training data sets. Mike will work with Eric Childress to get these up as a resource for the content partners to use as part of their work, hopefully sooner rather than later. Sean is broadening his search to include tools and text as well as existing tutorials and will continue to add them to the resource collection.
  • Editorial Board: Tom has been working on setting up the work processes for the Editorial Board, and progress has been made on setting up the work environment for the editorial board, using Google Sheets. We will need to identify experts who can be approached for input and assessment of the Competency Index. Stuart is collecting names of potential experts and will put those in a public place (wiki page under Editorial workstream?). Margie had some comments in a post-call email to the DC-PET listserv (see the archives for full text), raising substantive issues with the current state of the Competency Index. Stuart responded that the Competency Index in its current form is just his first crack at it from his own experience, and is not meant to be anything other than a starting point for further development, in line with the ideas Margie lays out in her email. This kind of conversation is exactly what we are looking for as we refine and develop the Competency Index, to make sure that it reflects the needs of the field (practitioners as well as academics).
  • Marketing/Community building: Mike and Debbie have submitted to LITA for November, Stuart submitted to DCMI for September, Sean and Marcia are planning to submit to ASIST in the next two weeks for November. Logos and URLs[2] for each partner have been added to the wiki. Still missing are Sungkyunkwan and DCMI-- Mike C will follow up with Sam and Stuart. Stuart suggested that we should also include a brief description of each organization as well, Mike C will follow up on this. Margie suggested on the call and afterwards that we should think about presenting at publisher conferences also (Council for Science Editors, Charleston Conference, STM, ASIST IA Summit, Professional and Scholarly Publishers, SSP, ALPSP). Mike L can investigate and add these to our list on the wiki—Margie volunteered to present at these if appropriate.
  • Next Meeting: Originally scheduled for Wednesday, May 20, but will move one week earlier to May 13 because of scheduling conflict on Mike C’s calendar. Same time.. 7:00 AM PDT.

Action Items

  • David set up Stuart and Joseph with WordPress admin accounts
  • Stuart will start a list of experts for review of Competency Index in a public place (wiki page under Editorial workstream?)
  • Mike C work with Eric Childress to get OCLC training data sets up and running
  • Mike C follow up with Sam and Stuart to get URLs and logos, with all to get short boiler plate text on organization.
  • Mike L add Margie’s publishing conferences to the wiki.
  • All content partners (Elsevier, Sungkyunkwan, Access Innovations, OCLC, Synaptica, DCMI, )send a brief organizational description (and logo/url if not already sent) to Mike C to add to the wiki page for use in public presentations
  • Next Meeting: Wednesday, May 13, at 7:00 AM PDT.

Meeting Resources & References

  1. http://explore.dublincore.net
  2. http://wiki.dublincore.org/index.php/Marketing_and_Community_Building#Partner_Logos_and_URLs