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18 February 2015: Meeting Summary



  • Technical Work- Stuart Sutton
  • Resource Collection- Marcia Zeng
  • Editorial Board- Tom Baker
  • Marketing and Community Building- Mike Lauruhn
  • Anyone—other business


Present: Tom Baker, Joseph Chapman, David Clarke, Mike Crandall, Sean Dolan, Mike Lauruhn, Sam Oh, David Talley, Marcia Zeng

  • Technical Work: Stuart was unable to join us, but David Talley and Joseph Chapman gave a quick overview of progress on the WordPress site[1] and the ultimate linkage to the triple store in our Amazon Web Service home. The theme and layout are temporary, pending continuing discussions on how this will fit with the longer term needs of DCMI and the work of the project. We are looking for a PhP expert to help with the integration work, and will probably hire an hourly student at the UW for this effort. Tom and Joseph will work with Jinsook at the KNL to setup a subdomain under the DCMI website as a permanent address for the site.
  • Resource Collection: Sean Dolan has been busy adding resources to the resource repository [2]. He has included over 120 resources, about 100 of which are tutorials and the remainder higher level discussions of Linked Data principals for context. The question came up as to indexing specificity and we decided to use the hierarchy built into the Competency Index to associate larger units with higher level nodes and pieces of those units to lower level nodes. Also discussed identifying where resources are scarce in the Index so that we can focus on those with our content partners.
  • Editorial Board: Still in early stages but membership has been discussed, and as resources become deeper, Tom Baker will begin assembling the Board to review and work on modifications of the Competency Index.
  • Marketing/Community building: Mike Lauruhn has been updating the Marketing and Community Building wiki page [3] and adding dates to the entries. He will also add submission dates so that we have an idea of deadlines for contributions. Three separate approaches to this work were discussed- a more intensive workshop/tutorial based on the project that would focus on teaching practitioners; a summary poster that could be reused for visibility at multiple venues; and a short three slide pitch for use at unconferences (such as LODLAM). Tom Baker is interested in putting together a workshop proposal for the Semantic Web/Library meeting in late November in Germany, and Mike Lauruhn suggested doing something similar for ALA. Marcia and Sam also are interested in doing something in Korea in December. Mike and Stuart will work on creating a poster for the DCMI conference this year, which is due next month, which can be reused for other events. We may also be able to put together the three slide pitch at the same time.
  • Other business: Next meeting will be moved one day earlier, to Tuesday, March 17, same time (1:00 PM PDT). We'll move back to our regular Wednesday time in April.

Action Items

  • Domain name: Tom and Joseph will work with Jinsook at KNL to set up the subdomain for our Wordpress site.
  • PhP help: Stuart, David, Joseph and Mike need to finalize job description for PhP help, and get this posted for applications.
  • Resources: Everyone should review the resources in the resource repository [4] and compare to the Competency Index (available on the WordPress site[5]) to look for gaps and possible additions. Any missing resources you are aware of should go to Sean Dolan and he will add to the repository.
  • Presentations: Everyone should review and update the Marketing and Community Buildingwiki page [6] to identify venues where they would like to present. As materials are developed, we should post them on this page for others to use. Mike and Stuart will start by developing a poster for DCMI.
  • Next Meeting: Update your calendars to reflect the changed date for our next meeting: Tuesday, March 17, at 1:00 PM PDT.

Meeting Resources & References

  2. http://metadataetc.org/showSavedLD4ERecords.php
  3. http://wiki.dublincore.org/index.php/Marketing_and_Community_Building
  4. http://metadataetc.org/showSavedLD4ERecords.php
  6. http://wiki.dublincore.org/index.php/Marketing_and_Community_Building