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2 November 2014: Meeting Summary



  • Logistics and initial planning


Present: Mike Crandall, Margie Hlava, Stuart Sutton, David Talley, Marcia Zeng

  • Review of Proposal: We briefly reviewed the proposal [1] submitted last year.
  • New faces: Margie Hlava and David Talley joined us for the first time. David Talley will be helping to flesh out functional requirements, work with Joseph Chapman and Stuart Sutton on connecting the backend to a user-accessible front-end, and helping coordinate the many moving pieces we have to manage over the coming year. Margie will be contributing tutorial content along with many of our other partners.

Action Items

  • DCMI home and communication mechanisms: Stuart Sutton is setting up a JISCMail list under the DCMI banner, DC-PET (for Dublin Core Professional Education and Training), which will be our default communication mechanism once it is active. This aligns with our long-term sustainability plans, and will hopefully evolve into a broader discussion forum that we can use during the design work as well as after the platform is completed and handed off to DCMI as an ongoing initiative. We will also set up a wiki space on the DCMI wiki, as a task group under the Education and Outreach Committee of the Advisory Board, which will provide an official home for the project and follow-on activities, as well as a work space for us over the next two years. We can partition this into a public and private space as needed.
  • Meeting Schedule: Mike will set up a schedule for monthly Skype (or WebEx) calls starting in mid-December, and we all will look for opportunities to meet at events more than one of us might be attending (the next will be the ASIST meeting in Seattle next week, on Sunday (11/2) for breakfast at 8 AM at Café Campagne (1600 Post Alley in the Pike Place Market)).
  • Platform work: Stuart reiterated his promise to send out a screencast demonstrating the current state of the Competency Index (based on the architecture underlying ASN [2]). This is what we will use to organize and collect the resources being gathered by all of us, but especially Debbie Maron and Marcia Zeng and her soon-to-be-hired research assistant. The competency index will initially be organized through the inventory created in the LLD project [3], with the understanding that this will evolve as we get farther into the project and begin defining the actual learning objectives themselves.

Meeting Resources & References

  1. http://wiki.dublincore.org/images/7/76/LD4PE_Narrative.pdf
  2. http://www.achievementstandards.org/
  3. http://lld.ischool.uw.edu/wp/