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21 October 2014: Meeting Summary



  • Logistics and initial planning


Present: Tom Baker, Eric Childress, Dave Clarke, Mike Crandall, Mike Lauruhn, Deborah Maron, Sam Oh, Stuart Sutton, Marcia Zeng

  • Review of Proposal: We briefly reviewed the proposal [1] submitted last year.
  • Partner Effort Reporting: Those of you contributing in-kind effort (Synaptica, Elsevier, Sungkyunkwan, Access Innovations, OCLC, and DCMI) will have a minor paperwork burden to complete at the end of next year, as we make our progress report to IMLS. This will consist of a letter [2] confirming that you have fulfilled your cost share commitment for the preceding twelve months (see attached template), with an additional letter documenting the following for any salaried time contributed: the name(s) of the employee(s) contributing effort, the employee's title, rate of pay, total value of their effort including applicable benefits, a statement indicating how the individual benefited the project, time period of the contribution (must be within the budget period), and signature and title of an authorized official. I know it’s way ahead of time for this, but figured it’s better that you have it in the back of your mind now rather than trying to reconstruct the past a year from now. I will be sending this information out again next November, so if you do want to ignore it for now, nothing lost.
  • Contracts: For those of you with contracts (Tom Baker, Joseph Chapman, and David Talley), we’ll need to get those set up in the next month. Since I have a letter of intent for each of you already, we can use those to create purchase orders and get those out to you, though we may need to request a more formal statement of work before that can be done. I’ll be in touch individually to discuss this as we move ahead. Kent State is a subcontract, and we will get that started soon so that Marcia can hire a student starting next term.

Action Items

  • DCMI home and communication mechanisms: Stuart and Marcia will investigate how to position the initiative with DCMI, so that we manage communications and work process through existing mechanisms there as a first step toward the long term hosting—part of our sustainability plan. This also will leverage the DCMI audience as commenters and contributors to our work. Once we’ve figured that out, we’ll let everyone know the vehicles that will be used for project communications and where the repository of project information and deliverables will live so that we are all operating out of the same context. That should happen within a month.
  • Github: Tom offered to set up a Github repository for our documents and other work, and will work on putting together an introduction to using Github for those not familiar with the service. Tom will provide a screencast as an introduction to Github for those who have not used it before.
  • OCLC Data Sets: Eric will begin setting up the OCLC data sets that will be used by those of you who intend to develop tutorials using the common data set OCLC is contributing. We are a ways from starting to use this, but having it in place early will provide those of you who want to experiment the opportunity to do so, and we can also point to it as an early accomplishment of the project (for others to use as well).
  • Kent State Research Assistant: Marcia will begin looking for a student who can initiate a review of related activities that have occurred since we sent in the proposal (almost a year now, and a lot has been happening), and start collecting existing resources that we can draw from for the mini-tutorials and other resources that we will be organizing for use with the learning objectives. These will initially be organized through the inventory created in the LLD project [3], with the understanding that this will evolve as we get farther into the project and begin defining the actual learning objectives themselves. Debbie Maron, a UNC PhD student who has volunteered to help out with this project, will also begin working to collect materials, and coordinate with Marcia and her student. Since many of you already have resources developed, it will be important for Debbie and Marcia to engage all of you in this research as well.
  • Meeting Schedule: Mike will set up a schedule for monthly Skype (or WebEx) calls starting in mid-December, and we all will look for opportunities to meet at events more than one of us might be attending (the next will be the ASIST meeting in Seattle next week, on Sunday (11/2) for breakfast at 8 AM at Café Campagne (1600 Post Alley in the Pike Place Market)).
  • Platform work: Stuart has already started work on the competency index platform, using ASN [4] as the foundational design. He will complete an introductory screencast to introduce the platform to project partners.

Meeting Resources & References

  1. http://wiki.dublincore.org/images/7/76/LD4PE_Narrative.pdf
  2. http://wiki.dublincore.org/images/b/b6/Third_party_cost_share_letter_template.pdf
  3. http://lld.ischool.uw.edu/wp/
  4. http://www.achievementstandards.org/