DCMI Science and Metadata Members
Group Moderators
Alex Ball, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK
Email: a (dot) ball (at) ukoln (dot) ac (dot) uk
Jane Greenberg, SILS and Metadata Research Center at UNC-Chapel Hill
Email: janeg (at) email (dot) unc (dot) edu
Jian Qin, School of Information Studies at Syracuse University
Email: jqin (at) syr (dot) edu
Chelcie Rowell, MSIS Candidate at UNC SILS, DC-SAM document coordinator, and member of the Metadata Research Center
Email: chelcie (at) live (dot) unc (dot) edu
Community Members
The DCMI Science and Metadata (DC-SAM) Community has over 270 members (domain scientists; informaticians from information/library science, computer science and informatics; and scholarly communications individuals). The list below represents about one-fifth of current DC-SAM community members. Listing your name is voluntary; to have you name listed, please email chelcie (at) live (dot) unc (dot) edu.
- Jan Ashton, Metadata Analyst, The British Library
Email: jan (dot) ashton (at) bl (at) uk - Daniel Bahls, ZBW – German National Library of Economics
Email: d (dot) bahls (at) zbw (dot) eu - Ana Alice Baptista, University of Minho, Portugal
Email: analice (at) dsi (dot) uminho (dot) pt - Marco Berni, Institute and Museum of the History of Science, Florence, Italy
Email: marco (at) imss (dot) fi (dot) it - Nic Bertrand, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
email: nsb (at) ceh (dot) ac (dot) uk - Kirk Borne, George Mason University, Dept of Computational and Data Sciences
Email: kborne (at) gmu (dot) edu - Dan Brickley, FOAF project and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Email: danbri (at) danbri (dot) org - Sean Chen, Duke Law School
Email: chen (at) law (dot) duke (dot) edu - Mitzi M. Cole, Zimmerman Associates, Inc., NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Library
Email: Mitzi (dot) M (dot) Cole (at) nasa (dot) gov - Ruth Duerr, National Snow and Ice Data Center
Email: rduerr (at) nsidc (dot) org - John D'Ignazio, Doctoral Candidate, School of Information Studies, Syracuse University
Email: jadignaz@syr.edu - Doug Dunlop, Metadata Librarian, Smithsonian Institution Libraries
Email: dunlopd (at) si (dot) edu - Max Eckard, Metadata and Digital Curation Librarian, Grand Valley State University
Email: eckardm (at) gvsu (dot) edu - Fabian Euchner, Swiss Seismological Service, ETH Zurich
Email: fabian (at) sed (dot) ethz (dot) ch - Elena Feinstein, Dryad Project Librarian, Metadata Research Center, UNC Chapel Hill
Email: elenamf (at) email (dot) unc (dot) edu - Nan Galbraith, Upper Ocean Processes Group, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Email: ngalbraith (at) whoi (dot) edu - Joan Gray, metadata analyst, ANDS Project, Monash University Library, Melbourne, Australia
Email: joan.gray (at) ands (dot) org (dot) au - Tony Hammond, Nature Publishing Group, London, UK
- Stephen Hearn, Metadata Specialist, University of Minnesota
Email: s (hyphen) hear (at) umn (dot) edu - Barbara Hilderbrand, NASA GSFC Library
Email: Barbara (dot) Y (dot) Hilderbrand (at) nasa (dot) gov - Donald Hobern, Atlas of Living Australia, Canberra, Australia
- Joe Hourclé, Solar Data Analysis Center, NASA/GSFC
Email: joseph (dot) a (dot) hourcle (at) nasa (dot) gov - J. Steven Hughes, Principal Computer Scientist, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA
Email: John (dot) S (dot) Hughes (at) jpl (dot) nasa (dot) gov
Interests & activities: Currently working on several information modeling projects, including NASA's Planetary Data System and the National Cancer Institutes (NCI) Early Detection Research Network (EDRN) using ontologies, ISO/IEC 11179, and Dublin Core to promote knowledge management, specifically for science data archives - Alvin Hutchinson, Information Services Librarian, Smithsonian Institution Libraries
- Keith Jenkins, GIS/Geospatial Applications Librarian, Cornell University
Email: kgj2 (at) cornell point edu - Kirsten Jeude, ZBW – German National Library of Economics
Email: k (dot) jeude (at) zbw (dot) eu
Interests & activities: Metadata Manager (delivery/exchange of bibliographic data(sets), mappings, EconBiz: Virtual Library for Economics and Business Studies, DOI-registration agency for datasets of economics and social sciences - Pete Johnston, Eduserv, Bath, UK
- Matthew B. Jones, NCEAS, Univ. California Santa Barbara
- Gail Kampmeier, Illinois Natural History Survey, University of Illinois
- Michael Lauruhn, Disruptive Technology Director, Elsevier Labs
Email: m (dot) lauruhn (at) elsevier (dot) com - Edmund Lee, English Heritage, Swindon, UK
- Jonathan P. Leidig, Grand Valley State University
Email: jonathan (dot) leidig (at) gvsu (dot) edu - John Manuel, Canadian Space Agency, Space Science
- Keith May, English Heritage, Portsmouth, UK
- Lynne McAvoy, National Research Council Canada, CISTI Library
Email: lynne (dot) mcavoy (at) nrc (hyphen) cnrc (dot) gc (dot) ca - Holly Mercer, Head of Digital Services and Scholarly Communication, Texas A&M University
Email: hmercer (at) tamu (dot) edu - Margaret O'Brien, Marine Science Institute, UC Santa Barbara, and Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) network
Email: mob (at) msi (dot) ucsb (dot) edu - Lisa Raymond, MBLWHOI Library, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Email: lraymond (at) whoi (dot) edu - Robin Rice, EDINA and Data Library, University of Edinburgh
- Jenn Riley, Indiana University Digital Library Program, Bloomington, IN
Email: jenlrile (at) indiana (dot) edu - Carlos Rueda, Marine Metadata Interoperability Project, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Email: carueda (at) mbari (dot) org - Sara Rutter, Science Librarian, Hamilton Library, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Email: srutter@hawaii.edu - Matthias Samwald, DERI Galway, Ireland // Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research, Austria
- Neil Sarkar, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT
Email: neil (dot) sarkar (at) uvm (dot) edu - Sarah L. Shreeves, University Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Email: sshreeve@illinois.edu - Gail Steinhart, Cornell University Library, Ithaca, NY
Email: GSS1 (at) cornell (dot) edu - Stuart A. Sutton, Information School of the University of Washington
- Jonathan Tedds, Biomedical Research Infrastructure Software Service (BRISSkit), University of Leicester UK.
- Curt Tilmes, [globalchange.gov U.S. Global Change Research Program]
Email: Curt (dot) Tilmes (at) nasa (dot) gov - Greg Tourte, School of Geographical Sciences, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK
Email: g (dot) j (dot) l (dot) tourte (at) bristol (dot) ac (dot) uk - Paula Tozer, Environment Canada
Email: paula (dot) tozer (at) ec (dot) gc (dot) ca - Éamonn Ó Tuama, Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) Secretariat, Copenhagen, Denmark
Email: eotuama (at) gbif (dot) org - Lynn Yarmey, National Snow and Ice Data Center
Email: lynn (dot) yarmey (at) colorado (dot) edu - Stu Weibel
Interests & activities: Library and Internet standards work, leadership role in emergence of DCMI, DCMI-SAM co-founder, active in IETF - Claus Weiland, Senckenberg Library, University of Frankfurt (FRG)
Email: cweiland (at) hebis (dot) uni (hyphen) frankfurt (dot) de - Amy West, University of Minnesota Libraries
Email: westx045 (at) umn (dot) edu - Elaine L. Westbrooks, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Email: ewestbrooks2 (at) unl (dot) edu - Brian Westra, University of Oregon, Science Data Services
Email: bwestra (at) uoregon (dot) edu
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