Group Moderators

Alex Ball, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK
Email: a (dot) ball (at) ukoln (dot) ac (dot) uk

Jane Greenberg, SILS and Metadata Research Center at UNC-Chapel Hill
Email: janeg (at) email (dot) unc (dot) edu

Jian Qin, School of Information Studies at Syracuse University
Email: jqin (at) syr (dot) edu

Chelcie Rowell, MSIS Candidate at UNC SILS, DC-SAM document coordinator, and member of the Metadata Research Center
Email: chelcie (at) live (dot) unc (dot) edu

Community Members

The DCMI Science and Metadata (DC-SAM) Community has over 270 members (domain scientists; informaticians from information/library science, computer science and informatics; and scholarly communications individuals). The list below represents about one-fifth of current DC-SAM community members. Listing your name is voluntary; to have you name listed, please email chelcie (at) live (dot) unc (dot) edu.

  1. Jan Ashton, Metadata Analyst, The British Library
    Email: jan (dot) ashton (at) bl (at) uk
  2. Daniel Bahls, ZBW – German National Library of Economics
    Email: d (dot) bahls (at) zbw (dot) eu
  3. Ana Alice Baptista, University of Minho, Portugal
    Email: analice (at) dsi (dot) uminho (dot) pt
  4. Marco Berni, Institute and Museum of the History of Science, Florence, Italy
    Email: marco (at) imss (dot) fi (dot) it
  5. Nic Bertrand, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
    email: nsb (at) ceh (dot) ac (dot) uk
  6. Kirk Borne, George Mason University, Dept of Computational and Data Sciences
    Email: kborne (at) gmu (dot) edu
  7. Dan Brickley, FOAF project and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
    Email: danbri (at) danbri (dot) org
  8. Sean Chen, Duke Law School
    Email: chen (at) law (dot) duke (dot) edu
  9. Mitzi M. Cole, Zimmerman Associates, Inc., NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Library
    Email: Mitzi (dot) M (dot) Cole (at) nasa (dot) gov
  10. Ruth Duerr, National Snow and Ice Data Center
    Email: rduerr (at) nsidc (dot) org
  11. John D'Ignazio, Doctoral Candidate, School of Information Studies, Syracuse University
  12. Doug Dunlop, Metadata Librarian, Smithsonian Institution Libraries
    Email: dunlopd (at) si (dot) edu
  13. Max Eckard, Metadata and Digital Curation Librarian, Grand Valley State University
    Email: eckardm (at) gvsu (dot) edu
  14. Fabian Euchner, Swiss Seismological Service, ETH Zurich
    Email: fabian (at) sed (dot) ethz (dot) ch
  15. Elena Feinstein, Dryad Project Librarian, Metadata Research Center, UNC Chapel Hill
    Email: elenamf (at) email (dot) unc (dot) edu
  16. Nan Galbraith, Upper Ocean Processes Group, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
    Email: ngalbraith (at) whoi (dot) edu
  17. Joan Gray, metadata analyst, ANDS Project, Monash University Library, Melbourne, Australia
    Email: joan.gray (at) ands (dot) org (dot) au
  18. Tony Hammond, Nature Publishing Group, London, UK
  19. Stephen Hearn, Metadata Specialist, University of Minnesota
    Email: s (hyphen) hear (at) umn (dot) edu
  20. Barbara Hilderbrand, NASA GSFC Library
    Email: Barbara (dot) Y (dot) Hilderbrand (at) nasa (dot) gov
  21. Donald Hobern, Atlas of Living Australia, Canberra, Australia
  22. Joe Hourclé, Solar Data Analysis Center, NASA/GSFC
    Email: joseph (dot) a (dot) hourcle (at) nasa (dot) gov
  23. J. Steven Hughes, Principal Computer Scientist, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA
    Email: John (dot) S (dot) Hughes (at) jpl (dot) nasa (dot) gov
    Interests & activities: Currently working on several information modeling projects, including NASA's Planetary Data System and the National Cancer Institutes (NCI) Early Detection Research Network (EDRN) using ontologies, ISO/IEC 11179, and Dublin Core to promote knowledge management, specifically for science data archives
  24. Alvin Hutchinson, Information Services Librarian, Smithsonian Institution Libraries
  25. Keith Jenkins, GIS/Geospatial Applications Librarian, Cornell University
    Email: kgj2 (at) cornell point edu
  26. Kirsten Jeude, ZBW – German National Library of Economics
    Email: k (dot) jeude (at) zbw (dot) eu
    Interests & activities: Metadata Manager (delivery/exchange of bibliographic data(sets), mappings, EconBiz: Virtual Library for Economics and Business Studies, DOI-registration agency for datasets of economics and social sciences
  27. Pete Johnston, Eduserv, Bath, UK
  28. Matthew B. Jones, NCEAS, Univ. California Santa Barbara
  29. Gail Kampmeier, Illinois Natural History Survey, University of Illinois
  30. Michael Lauruhn, Disruptive Technology Director, Elsevier Labs
    Email: m (dot) lauruhn (at) elsevier (dot) com
  31. Edmund Lee, English Heritage, Swindon, UK
  32. Jonathan P. Leidig, Grand Valley State University
    Email: jonathan (dot) leidig (at) gvsu (dot) edu
  33. John Manuel, Canadian Space Agency, Space Science
  34. Keith May, English Heritage, Portsmouth, UK
  35. Lynne McAvoy, National Research Council Canada, CISTI Library
    Email: lynne (dot) mcavoy (at) nrc (hyphen) cnrc (dot) gc (dot) ca
  36. Holly Mercer, Head of Digital Services and Scholarly Communication, Texas A&M University
    Email: hmercer (at) tamu (dot) edu
  37. Margaret O'Brien, Marine Science Institute, UC Santa Barbara, and Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) network
    Email: mob (at) msi (dot) ucsb (dot) edu
  38. Lisa Raymond, MBLWHOI Library, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
    Email: lraymond (at) whoi (dot) edu
  39. Robin Rice, EDINA and Data Library, University of Edinburgh
  40. Jenn Riley, Indiana University Digital Library Program, Bloomington, IN
    Email: jenlrile (at) indiana (dot) edu
  41. Carlos Rueda, Marine Metadata Interoperability Project, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
    Email: carueda (at) mbari (dot) org
  42. Sara Rutter, Science Librarian, Hamilton Library, University of Hawaii at Manoa
  43. Matthias Samwald, DERI Galway, Ireland // Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research, Austria
  44. Neil Sarkar, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT
    Email: neil (dot) sarkar (at) uvm (dot) edu
  45. Sarah L. Shreeves, University Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  46. Gail Steinhart, Cornell University Library, Ithaca, NY
    Email: GSS1 (at) cornell (dot) edu
  47. Stuart A. Sutton, Information School of the University of Washington
  48. Jonathan Tedds, Biomedical Research Infrastructure Software Service (BRISSkit), University of Leicester UK.
  49. Curt Tilmes, [ U.S. Global Change Research Program]
    Email: Curt (dot) Tilmes (at) nasa (dot) gov
  50. Greg Tourte, School of Geographical Sciences, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK
    Email: g (dot) j (dot) l (dot) tourte (at) bristol (dot) ac (dot) uk
  51. Paula Tozer, Environment Canada
    Email: paula (dot) tozer (at) ec (dot) gc (dot) ca
  52. Éamonn Ó Tuama, Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) Secretariat, Copenhagen, Denmark
    Email: eotuama (at) gbif (dot) org
  53. Lynn Yarmey, National Snow and Ice Data Center
    Email: lynn (dot) yarmey (at) colorado (dot) edu
  54. Stu Weibel
    Interests & activities: Library and Internet standards work, leadership role in emergence of DCMI, DCMI-SAM co-founder, active in IETF
  55. Claus Weiland, Senckenberg Library, University of Frankfurt (FRG)
    Email: cweiland (at) hebis (dot) uni (hyphen) frankfurt (dot) de
  56. Amy West, University of Minnesota Libraries
    Email: westx045 (at) umn (dot) edu
  57. Elaine L. Westbrooks, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
    Email: ewestbrooks2 (at) unl (dot) edu
  58. Brian Westra, University of Oregon, Science Data Services
    Email: bwestra (at) uoregon (dot) edu

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