2012-09-03 DC-FOAF meeting, DC-2012, Kuching, Malaysia
Present: Tom, Dan, Stuart
ACTION: Dan to formulate clarification of his change of employer and ongoing commitment to FOAF.
DCMI access to FOAF DNS
Need to know:
Gandi, account ID, password.
Include in report: Dan, Libby, Tom have password.
DCMI monitoring payment of domain name fees
ACTION: Dan update contact information.
ACTION: Tom to confirm in periodic report to the community.
Public notice by FOAF Project of semantic changes in FOAF vocabulary.
ACTION: Dan to post June mailing list discussion on FOAF 1.0. New release by 1
October. Post on architecture.
Post heads-up re: new release as per agreement.
Nature of the agreement
ACTION: To to put annual re-affirmation of agreement on schedule.
ACTION: Put email address in handbook.
Nesxt re-affirmation: one year from now, or sooner if opportunity.
Monitoring of FOAF service outages and DCMI responses.
ACTION: Tom and Dan look again how to mirror archive complete SVN by end of year.
ACTION: Set up cron job to refresh copy. Should be made available publicly.
DCMI mirroring of FOAF Subversion project
ACTION: Tom and Dan to address downtime monitoring by end-2012.
If FOAF Project ceases activity.
ACTION: Every six months.
ACTION: Dan to speak with Creative Commons, DBPedia, vocab.org
ACTION: Tom to raise: "RDFa initial context" + LD statistics: monitoring health
of most common...
ACTION: Tom and Dan to ask [EricC] OCLC about prospective future of purl.org.
ACTION: Health of servers.