- Ana Alice Baptista, University of Minho, Portugal; analice@dsi.uminho.pt
- Lorna Campbell, University of Edinburgh, UK; lorna.m.campbell@icloud.com
- Salvador Sánchez, Alcalá University, Spain; salvador.sanchez@uah.es
- Stuart Sutton, DCMI; sasutton@dublincore.net
Date: 2015-11-03
Contents |
- Two types of webinars: fixed and new;
- Fixed webinars are presented every year(1) in the same month;
- New webinars are not expected to be repeated, although they can be if there is sufficient demand.
- Three levels of webinars: basic, intermediate and advanced;
- Number of each level of webinars per year: Basic - 2 to 4; Intermediate 3 to 5; Advanced – 3 to 5;
- At least two basic webinars are fixed, preferably in October and February. These webinars are offered in at least two languages.
- The base languages for webinars are English, Spanish and Chinese (Mandarin);
- The majority of webinars will be offered in English;
- Webinars in other languages may be considered in a case by case scenario.
- 8 to 15 webinars per year;
- Each year’s offer is formed by a set of fixed webinars plus a set of new webinars;
- The call for webinars is disseminated no later than March each year;
- The review process takes place between April and May each year;
- The webinar calendar for the year is announced, if possible, two months in advance.
- New webinars can be added to the calendar later.
Submission and review of proposals
- There is a small webinar board of 2-3 people whose purpose is to review proposed webinars, select the final list of webinars, submit the list to the directorate, negotiate dates and, if applicable, payment to the webinar presenters, set the calendar, include the calendar in the DC-EOC wiki and forward it for dissemination;
- The webinar board is chaired by one of its members who will manage the review process;
- There are two phases in the webinar proposal process: the first phase requires just a basic outline for a quick judgement on the potential interest of the proposed webinar; approved proposals transit to the second phase which requires more details for final evaluation;
- There are two forms for the submission of proposals, one for each phase.
Information and dissemination
- Recordings of webinars are stored in YouTube, Vimeo, or other public accessible streaming service;
- The following documentation is kept in the DC-EOC wiki pages:
- A portfolio of webinars with links to the records;
- The calendar for the current year;
- The workflow;
- The list of instructions for webinar presenters;
- The list of instructions for webinar attendees;
- Dissemination is in charge of the DC-EOC dissemination board.
Revenue and compensation
- Webinar registration is available for individual webinars or in packages of three or five;
- Webinar packages have a significant discount over individual webinars (e.g. a package of three webinars costs less than three webinars bought separately);
- Information about DCMI membership programs is provided alongside information about the price of webinars in order to encourage membership;
- DCMI is a non-for-profit organization and all its revenue is spent on activities that support its Principles and Mission. Given its nature, DCMI appreciates and publicly acknowledges the input of Webinar presenters by including their names in a special annual acknowledgment short list. Other forms of compensation may be explored in the future.
- Each webinars and presenter are evaluated by participants;
- The results of the evaluation will be sent to the webinar presenter, analyzed and stored in the DCMI archives.
(1) Each year starts in September and ends in July or August.
- Define themes for next year webinars;
- Issue and disseminate the call for webinars and draft some invitations for DCMI webinars with link to a simple form;
- Proponents submit the simple form proposing a webinar (their own topic or recommending a presenter);
- Preliminary proposals are reviewed, webinar presenters are notified and the second phase of the review process is initiated;
- Selected webinar presenters submit details of their proposals;
- Detailed proposals are reviewed, classified and clustered according to themes;
- Webinar presenters are notified and the calendar is negotiated;
- Each webinar presenter is sent a letter of agreement setting out the specifics of the agreed-upon webinar including: (a) date/time of the webinar, (b) webinar title and abstract, (c) practice session date and time, (d) link to relevant DCMI Handbook pages; and (e) any further details deemed necessary.
- Appropriate reminder emails of both the practice session and the actual webinar should be scheduled and sent;
- The DCMI EC is informed about the final calendar;
- Webinars’ calendar is issued and disseminated;
- For each webinar:
- Specific dissemination is done;
- The webinar presenter will be sent appropriate reminder emails of both the practice session and the actual webinar should be scheduled and sent;
- DCMI has a representative appointed by the managing director to handle webinar presentations with presenters;
- The webinar presenter and the DCMI representative agree on a date for getting acquainted and testing the webinar platform;
- The webinar is presented and recorded;
- The evaluation form is provided to the attendees and the results are analyzed and stored by the managing director;
- The recording of the webinar is stored on the streaming service and the link is put in the webinar portfolio;
- The webinar presenter is compensated.