Handbook: Table of Contents
- ► Governing Board committees: Membership & Finance ◘ Nominations & Bylaws
- ► Technical Board committees: Usage ◘ Standards & Liaisons ◘ Community Specifications ◘ Infrastructure Advisory Committee (IAC)
- ► Advisory Board committees: Conferences & Meetings ◘ Education & Outreach
- ► Management: Executive ◘ Directorate
Contents |
Committee Charge
- The Conferences & Meetings Committee determines policy, operations and the master planning calendar for DCMI conferences and meetings. The Committee actively works on, and promotes, the annual conferences and regional meetings including, but not limited to, determining host organizations, co-location with other organizations, appropriate meeting themes, recruiting chairs and committee members for specific events, and other related meeting activities. The Chair of the Committee shall periodically report to the Advisory Board Chair in writing in a manner defined by the Committee Policies and Operating Procedures and otherwise report on proposed Committee actions.
- Muriel Foulonneau, Chair
- Emma Tonkin, Chair
- Dickson Lukos
- Mariana Curado Malta
- Eva Méndez
- Jian Qin
- Andrew Wilson
- Imma Subirats
- John Kunze
Membership Criteria
- Conference Committee past chairs
- DCMI citizens interested in DCMI's conference and regional meetings
Scope, Work & Reporting
- Scope: Advises the Advisory Board on the annual meeting technical program, regional meetings, awards and honors, and other related meeting activities.'
- Reporting: The Conferences & Meetings Chair reports to the Advisory Board Chair in a manner set out in the Board Policies & Procedures
- JiscMail Committee Forum (Moderated; Subscription by Chair): | Join/Leave Archive
DCMI Administrative WebEx Calendar
Conferences in Planning
- DC-2015 (São Paulo, Brazil)
- DC-2016 (Copenhagen, Denmark)
- Collocated with ASIS&T
- DC-2017 (Crystal City - Washington, D.C., USA)
- Collocated with ASIS&T
Key DCMI Handbook Pages
- Guidelines
- Master Calendars
- Three-Year Master Calendar
- Annual Conference Master Calendar
- International Conferences & Annual Meetings
- Policies & Procedures
Committee Resources
- @@@
Scratchpad (Committee Chairs (Private))