- Inventory of infrastructural stuff: DCMI Infrastructure Inventory
- Github advice
- Dublin Core Handle: http://github.com/dublincore
Action Items
- Tom:
- move everything fomr github.com/dublincore to github.com/dcmi
- If possible, a note or readme is left in the account or in each repository (maybe also delete the existing repos and create a placeholder repo)
- All: send github account to Tom to be added to github.com/dcmi
Proposed solution: We only use http://github.com/dcmi which is an organizational account and also supports private repos if needed.
- purl.org
- 2015-11-19 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-perma-id/2015Nov/0023
- 2015-11-19 https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A2=ind1511&L=DC-ARCHITECTURE&D=0&P=3711
- indispensable service used by many institutions
- possible frozen PURL service with another layer of redirection
- if OCLC is unwilling to maintain the service, a clear exit strategy would be helpful
- better branding to make OCLC connection more clear might be beneficial
Action Items Stuart & Tom: Develop strategy for approaching OCLC
- W3C representation on task forces